mercredi 29 avril 2015

Swift: Check if class conforms to protocol for getter

I was wondering if it is possible to check if a class conforms to a protocol in swift.

I have an EntityObject class, which contains some basic functionality in Java I'd make it abstract but since swift doesn't do abstraction I'm running it like this.

I also have an Entity Protocol which requires a getter for a path property (which does not really exist but always returns the path in our API).

Now in the EntityObject class which is always extended (otherwise you get fatalError's in your face). I want to get this path but EntityObject does not conform to the Entity Protocol but it's children do in most cases.

example path getter:

class var path:String {get { return "blog/{blogId}/comments" } }

The getters do not show up in the Mirror using reflect() probably because it's a class(static) var, and I tried something like:

if let entity = self as? Entity {
    return entity.path

But this returns an instance of Entity (I guess) since I'm not allowed to use the path here or see any of the options.

Anyone know if I could do this generically?

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