vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Can you reflect geometry (not textures) in three.js?

I have found many examples of three.js reflecting images, but is at all possible to reflect lines, triangles and shapes? I want to create a mirror pyramid that reflects lines.

For example: >This page has lots of lines.

I want to reflect them onto a 3d shape that sits in the middle.

For example: > This page has a mirror ball.

These are the sort of lines of code I am looking at. Not sure if it's even possible.

var textureCube = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTextureCube( urls );
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, envMap: textureCube } ) 
shader.uniforms[ "tCube" ].value = textureCube;

At the moment that code above is taking in a bunch of images "urls", but as you probably know by now I want to reflect the geometry in the first link I provided.

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