jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Holy Reflection

I'm receiving an error, "unable to convert string to int?". Which I find odd, I was under the notion when you utilize PropertyInfo.SetValue it should indeed attempt to use that fields type.

// Sample:
property.SetValue(model, null, null);

The above would attempt to implement default(T) on the property according to PropertyInfo.SetValue for the Microsoft Developer Network. However, when I implement the following code:

// Sample:
property.SetValue(model, control.Value, null);

The error bubbles, when I implement a string for a property that should have an int?, I was under the notion that it would attempt to automatically resolve the specified type. How would I help specify the type?

// Sample:
PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(TModel).GetProperties();
foreach(var property in properties)
          property.SetValue(model, control.Value, null);

Any clarification and how to resolve the cast would be helpful. The sample has been modified for brevity, trying to provide relevant code.

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