mardi 17 novembre 2015

How can I analyse special kind of contraints in C# using reflection?

Please see the following code:

public class GenericTest2

    public class MyGenericClass<T, U, V, W>
        where T : class
        where U : new()
        where V : struct
        where W : System.IO.StringWriter

    public static void Test()
        Assembly a = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GenericTest));
        foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes()) {
            if (t.IsGenericType) {
                foreach (Type parm in t.GetGenericArguments()) {
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("\tGeneric parameter: " + parm.Name);
                    Type[] constraints = parm.GetGenericParameterConstraints();
                    for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++) {
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("\t\t constraint " + i + ": name = " + constraints[i].Name);
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("\t\t constraint " + i + ": fullname = " + constraints[i].FullName);



This code will output something like this:

    Generic parameter: T
    Generic parameter: U
    Generic parameter: V
        constraint 0: name = ValueType
        constraint 0: fullname = System.ValueType
    Generic parameter: W
        constraint 0: name = StringWriter
        constraint 0: fullname = System.IO.StringWriter

The constraints class and new() do not seem to be returned by parm.GetGenericParameterConstraints(). Though there are constraints for T and U parm.GetGenericParameterConstraints() does not return data.

Q: How can I check for these kind of constraints using reflection?

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