mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Instantiate and apply generic method with unknown generic type - Java

I need to instantiate an object with an unknown generic type and then apply a generic method to it. Here is where I stand :

public static void main(String[] args)
    BarIf bar = newRandomBarImpl();

    Foo foo1 = newFooBar(bar.getClass()); // warning
    Foo<?> foo2 = newFooBar(bar.getClass()); // error
    Foo<? extends BarIf> foo3 = newFooBar(bar.getClass()); // error

    foo1.doSomething(bar); // warning
    foo2.doSomething(bar); // error
    foo3.doSomething(bar); // error

static <T extends FooIf<S>, S extends BarIf> T newFooBar(Class<S> barClass){}

static <T extends BarIf> T newRandomBarImpl(){}

interface FooIf<T extends BarIf>
    public void doSomething(T t);

interface BarIf{}

class Foo<T extends BarIf> implements FooIf<T>
    public void doSomething(T t){}

The strange thing is that for foo2 and foo3, the newFooBar() method returns FooIf rather than Foo. I guess the type inference is messy. But I can't pass the method generic parameters since I don't know the Bar type.

What I would need is Foo<bar.getClass()>. Is there a way to do it?

I tried using TypeToken but I end up with a T type rather than the actual Bar type. Any chance using that?

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