lundi 8 février 2016

In Scala EVERYTHING is an Object - are Classes Objects?

I recently ran into the scala.reflect.runtime API and tried to generate Classdefinitins by Stringevaluation. Here is the aproach i made in the scala REPL:

scala> import scala.reflect.runtime._
import scala.reflect.runtime._

scala> val cm = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
cm: reflect.runtime.universe.Mirror = JavaMirror with[....]

scala> import

scala> val tb = cm.mkToolBox()
tb:[reflect.runtime.universe.type] =[...]

scala> tb.eval(tb.parse("class A; scala.reflect.classTag[A].runtimeClass"))
res0: Any = class __wrapper$1$c6a9fb3f39c2499a9ff6e29384816f58.__wrapper$[...]

Since the answer by the REPL is not:

defined class A


res0: Any = class __wrapper$1$c6a9fb3f39c2499a9ff6e29384816f58.__wrapper$[...]

I started to wonder if i actually created a class or kind of just initialized an abstract Any instance? I once read that in scala EVERYTHING is an object. If res0 in my REPL now actually holds a class, then this would mean, that even classes are objects in scala? But this is where i cant find any more input so im really confused. If classes are not objects in scala then what does res0 actually hold at this moment? Thanks in advance for any help.

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