dimanche 30 octobre 2016

How to get a byte pointer to a value of any data type in Golang?

I've managed to get the following function working in Go. But I want to optimize/generalize the code such that this function would return me a pointer to the first byte of any value I pass into the function. Currently it will only work for []uint32, but I want to use it to get the starting memory address as a *byte for many other types (i.e. byte[], int[], string, etc).

Is there a more generic way to do this rather than catching every single type I need to address as case statements?

Go Playground Link for below code: http://ift.tt/2f5Br0G

package main

import (

func ToBytePointer(data interface{}) *byte {
    fmt.Println("Received type is", reflect.TypeOf(data))

    switch data.(type) {
    case []uint32:
        typedData := data.([]uint32)
        return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&typedData[0]))
        return nil

func main() {
    var data = []uint32{1, 2, 3}
    var dataBytePointer = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))

    fmt.Println(dataBytePointer, ToBytePointer(data))

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