I have a class I created with 2 constructors.
I want to create an instance of this class using only default constructor.
class A (arg1:Int,Arg2:String){
def this(arg1:Int){
here is what I tries to do:
val tpe = ru.typeOf[A]
val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val clsSym = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val clsMirror = mirror.reflectClass(clsSym)
val ctorSym = tpe.decl(ru.termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val method = clsMirror.reflectConstructor(ctorSym)
val newInstance = method(args:_*)
I'm getting the following error:
constructor ExampleWithCamelCase encapsulates multiple overloaded
alternatives and cannot be treated as a method. Consider invoking
<offending symbol>.asTerm.alternatives` and manually picking the required method
is there away to choose the default constructor?
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