vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Invoke Methods of abstract Types

I'm currently working on reflection with c# and I have a question. I try to invoke different class types which might be abstract or interface. So I just don't invoke the methods of those, because I cannot create an instance(obviously). But I'm not satisfied with this.

My question is: is it possible to work around this somehow and create an instance of something, where I can invoke the methods of the given abstract class type? Sorta like making a class that inherits from a Template which then can be the abstract type?

    foreach (MethodInfo m in _classType.GetMethods(bindingFlags))
              if (_classType.IsAbstract || _classType.IsInterface)
                   // only invoke instanciable types
                   MessageBox.Show("Abstract class and Interface cannot be invoked!");
                   var ms = CreateStringFromMethodForCheckedBox(m);
                   if (s == ms)
                       m.Invoke(Activator.CreateInstance(_classType), null);

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