mercredi 7 février 2018

Retrieve attributes of properties after projection

Considering the following example. It is using entity framework, but I assume that is not really important in this case.

    class Foo
        [CustomAttribute1(Value = "SomeValue")]
        public string Prop { get; set; }

        public Bar Bar { get; set; }

    class Bar
        [CustomAttribute1(Value = "OtherValue")]
        public string Prop { get; set; }

    class CustomAttribute1Attribute : Attribute
        public string Value { get; set; }

and the following code snippet.

    var expr = from f in ctx.Foos
            select new
                Prop1 = f.Prop,
                Prop2 = f.Bar.Prop
    foreach (var obj in expr)
       var attr1 = //retieve "SomeValue" from obj.Prop1
       var attr2 = //retieve "OtherValue" from obj.Prop2

I would like to be able to somehow get those values. I am willing to do some additional actions on expr. I was thinking something like

        var list = WithAttributeProjection(ctx => 
            from f in ctx.Foos
            select new
                Prop1 = f.Prop,
                Prop2 = f.Bar.Prop
        foreach (var obj in list)
            var attr1 = //retieve "SomeValue" from obj.Prop1
            var attr2 = //retieve "OtherValue" from obj.Prop2

        private IEnumerable WithAttributeProjection<T>(Expression<Func<Ctx, T>> expr)
           // retrieve destination properties from expr
           // retrieve member expressions               
           // retrieve types from expr
           // retrieve attributes from types
           // create attributes on T [like this][1]   
           foreach (var obj in expr.Compile())
               var result = new T();
               //copy obj to result
               yield return result;

But I am open for suggestions.

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