vendredi 23 mars 2018

Assembly.Load throws FileNotFoundException on an assembly created through Roslyn with Added References

I have a problem loading an assembly (from a memory stream) that was emitted from Roslyn compilation.

While trying to load the assembly i'm getting a FileNotFound Exception RazorLight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

In the compilation ExternalReferences there is 261 items which includes C:\Users\favishg\source\repos\Empeon_Reports\Reports\bin\Debug\net461\RazorLight.dll, so i assume that the roslyn compiler knows were to find this assembly, but it still gives this file not found exception.

More details: i'm dynamically loading a Sample.dll (late binding), this dll is using RazorLight to compile a schtml Template, in order for RazorLight to know about the Sample.dll and it's type's i needed to add MetadataReferences to the Sample.dll which worked fine, but i still got a FileNotFound Exception.

To debug it i downloaded the RazorLight source code and it seems that the exception is when trying to get assembly.GetCustomAttribute<RazorLightTemplateAttribute>() from the Roslyn compiled assembly.

Code Report reunner (Sample.dll)

MetadataReference metadata =MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(PayrollReport);
MetadataReference metadataRazor=MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(RazorLight);

IRazorLightEngine engine;

engine = new RazorLightEngineBuilder()
    .AddMetadataReferences(metadata, metadataRazor)

PayrollSummary payrollSummary = repo.GetPayrollData();

return await engine.CompileRenderAsync("Report.cshtml", payrollSummary);

Call the sample.dll dynamically

Assembly asmPayroll = Assembly.LoadFrom(ParollReportDll);

//Get the correct type from dll..

IHardcodedReport rpt = (IHardcodedReport)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
string html = await rpt.GetReportHtmlAsync(bundle);

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