mardi 13 novembre 2018

Set custom propertys of an instanciated Usercontrol using reflection

I need to use reflection to set two custom propertys of custom userControls



public string _ValidaMsg { get { return _ValidarMsg; } set { _ValidarMsg = value; } }
public bool _Valida { get { return _Validar; } set { _Validar = value;} }

._Valida determinates if the control needs to be validated before submitting the form and ._ValidaMsg is the message it shows when the field isn't completed

In my form.cs I have a typed List called listaMetodo (String ControlName,String ControlText,Type Control.Type) Here's the method where I fill my list

 private List<xEntidades.entControlValidacion> GetAllControls(Control container)
        foreach (Control c in container.Controls)
            // these txtDescripcion and others are the diferent types of my customs UserControls
            if (c.Name.Equals("txtDescripcion") || c.Name.Equals("Combo") || c.Name.Equals("txtCodigo") || c.Name.Equals("txtFecha"))

                    listaMetodo.Add(new xEntidades.entControlValidacion(c.Parent.Name, c.Text, c.GetType()));



        return listaMetodo;

So once I have the list with all controls that are relevant, what I need to do is to compare it with another that I have, wich is filled with all the controls that needs to be validated, let's call it validateList(string NameOfControl,bool Valida , String ValidaMsg). In the for loop while im itherating the two list I have the condition

If(listaMetodo[iExample].ControlName.equals(validateList[jExample].NameOfControl && validateList[jExample].Valida){

//here I should get the instance of the object by reflection and change ._ValidaMsg and ._Valida


So, how can I Modify the propertys of the instanced object using the Type and the ControlName Stored in my listaMetodo It's mandatory to use reflection? Is there another approatch to achieve what I wat to?

Thanks in Advance

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