jeudi 24 janvier 2019

Class.forName in Spark casting

I have a function that looks like this:

private def readDS[T <: Product : TypeTag](path: String): Dataset[T] = {

T is always a case class

I am trying to get T using

CC = Class.forName("SomeCaseClass")

The issue I have is then using this class as a type parameter in readDS function.

I had an idea to do something like this:

CC match {
    case VALIDCC //  check if VALIDCC is a subtype of Product and TypeTag[VALIDCC] is available // => {
    case _ => logger.error("provided class can't be used to cast a DF")

But I have no idea how to match types in scala and also how to check if a type is subtype of Product and if implicit val tt = TypeTag[CC] is available in the scope to use CC in the readDS function.

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