mardi 16 avril 2019

Is it possible to return data set instead of any mapped model class in MyBatis?

I have scenario where I want to make dynamic query which myBatis supposed to support like as below :

    <select id=“someRecords” resultMap=“someRecordMap”>


        INSERT INTO TEMP_TABLE (some_stub)
        select regexp_split_to_table(#{someIds},',')::uuid;

        SELECT wil.some_identifier_stub as identifier_stub
        FROM TABLE_A msg
        INNER JOIN TABLE_B wil ON msg.a_id = wil.b_id
        INNER JOIN TABLE_C est ON est.c_stub = wil.b_stub
        WHERE wil.unique_id = #{uniqueId} AND wil.b_type_id = #{b_TypeId}
        <if test="environment != null">
            <include refid="environmentCondition"></include>

    <sql id="environmentCondition">
        AND environment = #{environment}

But instead of someRecordMap, I want to return DataSet so that it become backward compatible with my existing code

So instead of suing myBatis XMl approach I just make custom approach using reflection and annotations like below :

Section : Dynamic Query Based on some condition like IGNORE_SOME_JOIN, IGNORE_SOME_STUB, IGNORE_SOME_EXT_FLAG

    @SqlQueries({@SqlQuery(name = "query1",
                query = "select a,b," +
                        "c,d,e,f,g,wil.h," +
                        " j,h,i " +
                        START_DELIMITER + " " + IGNORE_SOME_JOIN + " " +
                        " ,some_message" + END_DELIMITER +
                        " FROM  A_TABLE wil " +
                        START_DELIMITER + " " + IGNORE_SOME_JOIN + " " +
                        "LEFT OUTER JOIN B_TABLE wim on" +
                        " wil.unique_id = wim.unique_id" +
                        " and wim.created_date >= ?  and wim.created_date <= ?  " + END_DELIMITER +
                        " WHERE ( wil.created_date >= ? AND wil.created_date <= ? AND wil.primary_id = ? " +
                        START_DELIMITER + " " + IGNORE_SOME_STUB + " " +
                        " AND wil.unique_identifier_stub = ?::uuid " + END_DELIMITER +
                        START_DELIMITER + " " + IGNORE_SOME_EXT_FLAG +
                        " AND wil.some_ext_success_flag = ANY(?) " + END_DELIMITER + ")" +
                        "ORDER BY wil.created_date OFFSET ? LIMIT ? ")}

parsing logic for dynamic query be like :

    abstract class ReportingQuery {
        private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportingQuery.class);

        static final String START_DELIMITER = "#~";
        static final String END_DELIMITER = "#~";
        static final String REPLACEABLE_DELIMITER = "--";

         * Responsible to prepare final query after applying dynamic query criteria
         * @param className     : ReportingQuery class reference
         * @param methodName    : Query method name
         * @param queryName     : Dynamic query
         * @param ignoreStrings : Criteria to be applied in dynamic query
         * @return : final static query after applying dynamic query criteria(ignoreStrings)
        static Optional<String> getQuery(Class className, String methodName, String queryName, List<String> ignoreStrings) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            try {
                Method[] methods = className.getDeclaredMethods();
                Optional<String> queryString = Optional.empty();
                if ( -> x.getName().equals(methodName))) {
                    QueryExample.SqlQuery[] sqlQueries =
                            .filter(x -> x.getName().equals(methodName))
                    if ( -> {
                        queryString = Optional.of( ->

                String[] token = new String[0];
                if (queryString.isPresent()) {
                    token = queryString.get().split(START_DELIMITER);

               ...... SOME logic to make query based on some dynamic condition

            return Optional.of(builder.toString());

        @interface SqlQuery {
            String name();

            String query();

        @interface SqlQueries {
            SqlQuery[] value();

So if I have condition IGNORE_SOME_JOIN then my final query with logic would be like

    select a,b,c,d,e,f,g,wil.h,j,h,i FROM  A_TABLE wil WHERE ( wil.created_date >= '2018-08-29T15:15:42.42'
            AND wil.created_date <= '2018-08-30T15:15:42.42' AND wil.acct_id = 2000017
             AND wil.unique_identifier_stub = 'a004f322-1003-40a7-a54b-f3b979744fd2'
             AND wil.some_ext_success_flag  = ANY('{"0","1"}')) ORDER BY wil.created_date OFFSET 0 LIMIT 500;

So with above I got query as string and I'll run below code and get Result Set :

     PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query)) {
                    prepareStatement(prepareStatementAndQueryList, ps, con);
                    try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {

But I want to do this with MyBatis instead my own custom solution which would little error prone and might be not performance efficient as I have used much reflection here.

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