samedi 11 mai 2019

How to safely downcast USTRUCTs

Unreal Engine supports downcasting of UObject* via Cast<T> and via a custom implementation of dynamic_cast<T*>.

When downcasting USTRUCT objects, both methods don't work:

  1. The methods of Cast<T> do not support conversions to UScriptStructs.
  2. UE4 compiles without RTTI (e.g. /GR- is set for cl.exe) and UE4 uses the dynamic_cast<T*> of the implementation for pointers to USTRUCTs. Therefore the compiler throws C4541 (see example below).

Is there a method in UE4.22 to safely downcast USTRUCTs using the reflection system of UE4 (so when static_cast<T*> etc is not an option)?

If not, then why UE4 doesn't support downcasting USTRUCTs by its Cast functions? E.g. shouldn't they be referenced or are the reasons Blueprint related?

Example for (2), use within an UE4 project:

#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"

struct MyStructBase
    virtual ~MyStructBase() = default;

struct MyStructDerived : public MyStructBase

void TestFunc()
    auto lvalue = MyStructBase{};
    auto lvaluePtr = &lvalue;
    auto o = dynamic_cast<MyStructDerived*>(lvaluePtr); // cl.exe throws C4541

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