mardi 18 février 2020

Create instance using Activator

I got some troubles with Activator.CreateInstance. It throws "Constructor on type not found" exception.

Here is the method where error occurs:

private static void InitializeInternalProperty(Calculation calculation, Type type, IDataProvider dataProvider, params string[] precedants)
    PropertiesCollection precedantsCollection = new PropertiesCollection(); //Properties collection implements IKeyedCollection
    foreach (string precedant in precedants)
    }, dataProvider, precedantsCollection));

Here is the constructor, i am trying to use:

internal CountryRiskPremium(IDataProvider dataProvider, PropertiesCollection precedants)
    Name = Names.CountryRiskPremium;
    _dataProvider = dataProvider;

I also tried:

object[] arguments = new object[2];
arguments[0] = dataProvider;
arguments[1] = precedantsCollection;, arguments));

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