jeudi 3 septembre 2020

Using reflection to build UI controls

I have the following interface declared:

   public interface IDemoInterface
      bool DemoBooleanProperty { get; set; }
      string DemoStringProperty { get; set; }
      IContainer RestrictiveContent { get; set; }

and I implemented for this a method that uses reflection to build some UI controls based on the property type

      public void BuildUiControls<T>(T instance, bool groupData = false)
         foreach (var propertyInfo in instance.GetType().GetProperties())
            if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(bool))

            if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(string))
            if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsEnum)

            if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(IContainer))
               BuildUiControls(???, true);


I managed to build the controls for the first ifs but now I want to use this function recursively to build the controls the same way but now for the IContainer interface which is a member of the initial interface and it seems that I cannot figure it out what should I pass to the BuildUIControls method in order to access the properties from this interface:

   public interface IContainer
      TestEnum MandatoryEnum { get; set; }

      bool ReadOnly1Prop { get; set; }

      bool ReadOnly2Prop { get; set; }

On the first call of this method I pass the data like this

         _demoInterface = new DemoInterfaceImplementation
            DemoBooleanProperty2 = true,
            DemoStringProperty = "testString",
            RestrictiveContent = new ContainerInterfaceImplementation
               MandatoryEnum = TestEnum.One, ReadOnly1Prop = true, ReadOnly2Prop = true

where the _demoInterface is declared as IDemoInterface.

Thanks for the help!

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