mardi 10 novembre 2020

Compare Dart @override Metadata Reflectee to Instance of _Override

I am trying to come up with an example of how we could search for the @override metadata annotation using reflection in Dart.

In the examples I used to learn the dart:mirrors library and reflection, they were always searching for custom made annotations.

Here is an example where they search for a custom "Todo" annotation

When searching for custom made annotations, they would simply compare the metadata's reflectee to the class data type to check for a match.

In Dart's documentation linked below, you can see an example implementation of an _Override instance.

Here is Dart documentation on the override constant

This lead to me to try:

if(meta.reflectee is _Override) {

But the "_Override" cannot be resolved and suggest no imports to access such a data instance.

I am able to toString the reflectee for comparison but I feel like it is a dirty solution:

if (meta.reflectee.toString() == "Instance of '_Override'") {

When using the @override annotation, I am struggling to find a way to compare the metadata's reflectee to the instance type of _Override.

Here is the Dog class:

class Dog extends Animal {
  Dog(String name) : super(name);

  void makeNoise() {
    print('Bark, bark!');

Here is my reflection search code:

 Dog dog = Dog('Harper');

  InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(dog);
  ClassMirror classMirror = instanceMirror.type;

  classMirror.instanceMembers.forEach((_, member) {


    member.metadata.forEach((meta) {
      if (meta.reflectee is _Override) {

Finally, here is my output when the instanceMembers.forEach loop gets to the method I am interested in:

Instance of '_Override'

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