Starting Android 11 the Reflection based non-sdk(Private) api calls are blocked. Android system checks the caller of the reflection method and if its non-system app it rejects with error as blocklist/blacklist.
"Accessing hidden method Lcom/example/com;->getSomeMethod()Lcom/example/com; (blacklist, reflection, denied)"
More details in links below.
one way to bypass is as below.
"The hidden API blacklist only applies to non-whitelisted user applications. System applications, applications signed with the platform signature, and applications specified in a configuration file are all exempt from the blacklist"
1)All Above quote still hold good for Android 11? what are the ways OEMs can whitelist a app to use Reflection like before?
2)Is the manufacturer-supplied libraries treated as non-sdk libraries?
- How is the Reflection worked in android 10(Target 29) for the same manufacturer-supplied libraries even when META REFLECTION not used?
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