Given this Java structure:
class Master
static class innerThing
static StringBuilder NumOfThings = new StringBuilder( 2);
static class Thing_def
static StringBuilder field1 = new StringBuilder( 3);
static StringBuilder field2 = new StringBuilder( 3);
static StringBuilder field3 = new StringBuilder(13);
static Thing_def[] Things = new Thing_def [2];
static { for (int i=0; i<Things.length; i++) Things[i] = new Thing_def(); }
Using Reflection in this bit of code:
Field[] FieldList = DataClass.getDeclaredFields();
if (0 < FieldList.length )
SortFieldList( FieldList );
for (Field eachField : FieldList)
String fldType = new String( eachField.getType().toString() );
if ( fldType.startsWith("class [L") )
System.err.printf("\n@@@ fldType= '%s'\n", fldType); //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
if ( fldType.startsWith("class java.lang.StringBuilder") )
String str = DataClass.getName().replaceAll("\\$",".");
System.out.printf("%s.%s\n", str, eachField.getName() );
I get the following output: (Notice that it shows one copy of the fields in Thing_def.)
@@@ fldType= 'class [LMaster$innerThing$Thing_def;'
In another part of the system I access the fields to generate a CSV file:
Field[] FieldList = DataClass.getDeclaredFields();
if (0 < FieldList.length )
for (Field eachField : FieldList)
String fldType = new String( eachField.getType().toString() );
if ( fldType.startsWith("class java.lang.StringBuilder") )
Field fld = DataClass.getDeclaredField( eachField.getName() );
StringBuilder sb = (StringBuilder)fld.get(null);
CSV_file.printf("%s,", sb ); // emit column to CSV
//fld.set( DataClass, new StringBuilder() );
So in this case I actually will need to directly access array elements.
That is, I need to get at each Master.innerThing.Thing[n].field
So, the big question is:
How do I generically access arrays like this ?
How do I know that Thing_def does not have data, it is merely a structural definition for Things[ ] ?
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