mercredi 2 juin 2021

Ways to Avoid if-else, switch-case in Factory design pattern

I am designing a validation module. It has 100 error codes(i.e. errcd_01, errcd_02,..,errcd_100) to be validated. In input I am getting a specific error code(i.e. errcd_01) out of above 100. Module should perform validation for that specific error code.

I am using factory pattern.

/* Interface */
public interface validateErrCd {
   void check_errcd();

/* Concrete classes implementing the same interface */
public class validateErrCd_01 implements validateErrCd {

   public void check_errcd() {
      //business logic related to errcd_01

public class validateErrCd_02 implements validateErrCd {

   public void check_errcd() {
      //business logic related to errcd_02
public class validateErrCd_100 implements validateErrCd {

   public void check_errcd() {
      //business logic related to errcd_100

/* Factory */
public class ErrorValidationFactory {
   //use check_errcd method to get object of type shape 
   public validateErrCd getValidation(String errorCode){
      if(errorCode == null){
         return null;
         return new validateErrCd_01();
      } else if(errorCode.equalsIgnoreCase("errcd_02")){
         return new validateErrCd_02();
      } ..
      else if(errorCode.equalsIgnoreCase("errcd_100")){
         return new validateErrCd_100();
      else {
           return null;

/* I am using the Factory to get object of concrete class by passing an specific error code to be validated (i.e. "errcd_01"). */
public class FactoryPatternDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      ErrorValidationFactory errorFactory = new ErrorValidationFactory();

      //get an object of validateErrCd_01 and call its check_errcd method.
      validateErrCd errcd01 = errorFactory.getValidation("errcd_01");

      //call check_errcd method of validateErrCd_01

Now due to multiple if/else inside Factory class ErrorValidationFactory, I am getting couple of CI/CD errors while performing mvn clean install. e.g. [MethodLength] - checkstyle, Rule:CyclomaticComplexity - PMD.

So is there a way I can replace if/else, switch case kind of decision making inside factory which does not trigger above CI/CD errors in Java?

Note : If possible I would like to avoid reflection

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