mardi 12 juillet 2022

How to set annotations on a method using reflection?

I'm trying to unit test an aspect.

    val joinPoint = mock<ProceedingJoinPoint>()
    val methodSignature = mock<MethodSignature>()

    val roleArray = arrayOf("someTestRole")
    val annotation = AccessCheck::class.constructors.first().call(roleArray)
    val method = this.javaClass.getMethod("myMethod")
a)  method.annotations = roleArray
b)  method.annotations[0] = annotation

Cannot invoke b) because method.annotations returns null.
Cannot invoke a) because method.annotations is val.
Cannot make Method a mock, since it's a final class.

Is there any way to surpass that?

This is what annotation class looks like:

annotation class AccessCheck(val userRoles: Array<String>)

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