samedi 6 mai 2023

How to invoke a constructor what has a ReadOnlySpan

This is the second time I ask this question because it has been marked as duplicate, but my problem still not been solved and I can't figure it out.

Link 1
Link 2

From Link 1: This code below is from the accepted answer, but doesn't work.

CS0306 The type 'ReadOnlySpan' may not be used as a type argument

var delegateCtor = Expression.Lambda<Func<ReadOnlySpan<byte>,object>>
(ctorCall, new ParameterExpression[] { param }).Compile();

So my question again:

In .Net Framework BigInteger has a constructor what I can invoke as this:

ConstructorInfo _ctor = typeof(BigInteger).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
            new Type[] { typeof(UInt32[]), typeof(Boolean) }, null);

BigInteger result = (BigInteger)_ctor.Invoke(new Object[] { new UInt32[] { 42, 69, 314 }, false });

Recently swapped to .Net Core and the constructor changed to:

ConstructorInfo _ctor = typeof(BigInteger).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
            new Type[] {typeof(ReadOnlySpan<UInt32>), typeof(Boolean) });

So the logical step was:

BigInteger result = (BigInteger)_ctor.Invoke(new Object[] { new ReadOnlySpan<UInt32>(new UInt32[] { 42, 69, 314 } ), false } );

But I'm getting an error.

Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.ReadOnlySpan' to 'object'.

How can I invoke a constructor what takes 2 arguments and one of them is a ReadOnlySpan?

Thank you

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