Environment: .NET 6, EF 6.0.19
This might not be possible, but I am trying to use reflection to generate a query for my generic types which crawls the navigations from the root type and includes/thenincludes all related types.
Getting the includes (first-order-relationships) to work is pretty trivial and works:
// Get all the navigation properties for the type so we can include them
IEnumerable<INavigation> navigations = _dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T)).GetNavigations();
// Add include clauses for each navigation property so we get the full model
foreach (INavigation prop in navigations)
query = query.Include(prop.Name);
where query is IQueryable<T>
from System.Linq
However, ThenInclude()
is a method on IIncludableQueryable<T, U>
where U
is some property in the navigation path from T
. However, because we don't know U
at compile-time, we need to use reflection to determine the type and
- create a generic type for the
- Create the expression for the new part of the query and
- amend the query (or return a new query based on the original query)
However, using Activator
to make an IIncludableQueryable
fails because of a perceived type mismatch during creation; however, what I'm unclear is on where the type massaging would normally happen in a standard ThenIncludes
call. Below is an example of what I'm running and where it's failing (ignore that this doesn't cover all edge cases and doesn't recurse properly)
private IQueryable<T> AddNavigationProperties<T>(IQueryable<T> query)
where T : class, IMyInterface
// Get all the navigation properties for the type so we can include them
IEnumerable<INavigation> navigations = _dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(T)).GetNavigations();
// Add include clauses for each navigation property so we get the full model
foreach (INavigation prop in navigations)
query = query.Include(prop.Name);
if (prop.ClrType.IsGenericType && prop.ClrType.IsCollection())
var propNavs = _dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(prop.ClrType.GetGenericArguments()[0]).GetNavigations();
var genericType = prop.ClrType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
foreach (INavigation nav in propNavs)
Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(genericType, nav.ClrType);
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(genericType, nav.Name);
MemberExpression memberExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, genericType.GetProperty(nav.Name));
LambdaExpression expression = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, memberExpression, parameter); // Create the expression that defines how we access this property from the previous entity
// Make the types we will need for creating the new query instance
var enumerableType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(nav.ClrType);
var includableType = typeof(IncludableQueryable<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), nav.ClrType);
// ==== THIS LINE FAILS ====
var includable = Activator.CreateInstance(
// This is the pattern used for resolving the constructor parameter in EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions
query.Provider is EntityQueryProvider ?
instance: null,
// This static MethodInfo is based on the one in EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions
method: ThenIncludeAfterEnumerableMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), enumerableType, nav.ClrType),
arguments: new[] { query.Expression, expression }
: query);
return query;
The error that occurs on the failing line is essentially
Expression of type 'System.Linq.IQueryable[T] cannot be used for parameter Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.IIncludableQueryable[T, TPreviousEntity, U] (Parameter: 'arg0')
However, it's unclear to me why that expression is not an acceptable parameter. From reading the file definitions in EF it seems like that would be the exact expression I would need.
FWIW here is the call signature of the "ThenIncludes" I am trying to invoke:
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath)
where TEntity : class
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