samedi 11 avril 2015

Iterating all Entity Framework DbSets that implement an Interfcae using reflection

Some of my Entity Framework classes implement a certain interface, say IHasYearColumn, which means the table has a year column (int).

I would like to iterate over all of the tables with year columns and do some work.

I managed to get the relevant types using:

var typesWithYear = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()

I verified this works, and indded I get all the types I want.

Now, I would like to iterate over the respective table get the year values from all the records:

foreach (t in typesWithYear)

This obviously won't compile since t is not recognized as IHasYearColumn. So, I tried casting all types in typesWithYear into IHasYearColumn but this would not help. I got an InvalidCastException.

Any ideas will be most welcomed.

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