mardi 16 juin 2015

Listing Scala nested objects methods through Reflection

I have the following Scala object:

object BusinessFacade {

    * Fachada para acesso aos métodos de controle de Usuário
    object Usuario {
        private lazy val usuarioBC = new UsuarioBC

        def buscar(id: Long)(implicit s: Session) = {

        def inserir(usuario: User)(implicit s: Session) = {

        def alterar(id: Long, usuario: User)(implicit s: Session) = {
            usuarioBC.update(id, usuario)

        def remover(id: Long)(implicit s: Session) = {

        def listar(numeroDaPagina: Int = 0, tamanhoDaPagina: Int = 10, filtro: String = "%")(implicit s: Session): Page[User] = {
            usuarioBC.list(numeroDaPagina, tamanhoDaPagina, filtro)

    * Fachada para acesso aos métodos de controle de Perfil
    object Perfil {
        private lazy val perfilBC = new PerfilBC

    * Fachada para acesso aos métodos de controle de Sistema
    object Sistema {
        private lazy val sistemaBC = new SistemaBC 

I want to get the name of each declared method of each inner object, so I am trying to do it by:

val facadeType = typeOf[BusinessFacade.type]

var permissoes = facadeType.members.filter(_.isModule).foreach { m => 
    println( + " ========================")


With this code, I am getting the name of each inner object, but I am getting no declared methods.

Can anyone tell me why, and how could I get these methods' names??

Current output:

Sistema ========================
Perfil ========================
Usuario ========================

Desired output:

Sistema ========================
Perfil ========================
Usuario ========================

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