I am trying to apply reflection on a swift class (someClass) to invoke an init method that takes one argument (someArg), I managed to get the init selector and IMP that has 1 argument, but when I invoke the IMP it ends up calling the init with no arguments. In the Playground below I always get "called the wrong init" printed. What am I missing?
public class someClass:NSObject{
init( num:someArg){
print("called the right init")
override init(){
print("called the wrong init")
public class someArg:NSObject{
override init(){
public class Test{
func reflect(){
let classType: NSObject.Type = someClass.self as NSObject.Type
let (initializerWithOneArgImp,selector) = getInitializerWithArguments(classType, argumentsCount: 1)
typealias initializerWithOneArgImpType = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, AnyObject) -> (AnyObject)
let callback = unsafeBitCast(initializerWithOneArgImp , initializerWithOneArgImpType.self)
func getInitializerWithArguments(classType:AnyClass, argumentsCount:Int)->(IMP,Selector){
var methodCount:CUnsignedInt = 0
let methodList = class_copyMethodList(classType.self, &methodCount)
let n : Int = Int(methodCount)
for var i: Int = 0; i < n; i++ {
let methodSelector = method_getName(methodList[i])
let methodName:String = String(_sel:methodSelector)
if(methodName == "init")
let methodArgumentsCount = method_getNumberOfArguments(methodList.memory)
if(methodArgumentsCount == UInt32(argumentsCount) + 1)
return (method_getImplementation(methodList[i]),methodSelector)
return (nil,nil)
var test = Test()
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