dimanche 3 décembre 2023

Using unity game service cloud save - how to retrieve multiple keys at once and load them to appropriate variables

I am using unity game service cloud save to backup important player data. This works great when I use it to save variable(s). However, I cannot figure out how to load variables without hardcoding each possible combination. I am confident there is something simple I am missing, but I do not know what it is, and the AI suggestions I get are off, likely because I am asking the wrong questions.

Please help?

Working function to load multiple variables to the cloud:

    private async Task<string> CloudSaveMultipleValues(Dictionary<string, object> valuesToSave)
        await CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player.SaveAsync(valuesToSave);

        Debug.Log($"Successfully saved data to cloud");
    catch (CloudSaveValidationException e)
    catch (CloudSaveRateLimitedException e)
    catch (CloudSaveException e)

    return null;

Example of the 'valuesToSave input:

allStats_dict = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.gameVersion), gm.stats_CloudSave.gameVersion },
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.numsPlaced), gm.stats_CloudSave.numsPlaced },
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.points), gm.stats_CloudSave.points },
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.gamesPlayed), gm.stats_CloudSave.gamesPlayed },
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.dateOfFirstGame), gm.stats_CloudSave.dateOfFirstGame }

The loading function I am trying to get to work:

private async Task<string> RetrieveSpecificCloudData(HashSet<string> keys)
            var results = await CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.Player.LoadAsync(keys);

            //this confirms I got all the keys I asked for
            Debug.Log($"{results.Count} elements loaded!");

            //this confirms the values are correct
            Debug.Log($"numsPlaced: {results["numsPlaced"].Value.GetAs<int>()}");
            Debug.Log($"dateOfFirstGame: {results["dateOfFirstGame"].Value.GetAs<DateTime>()}");

            //what I cannot figure out is how to assign the value of each key to the appropriate variable???
            //I can hardcode it like this, which works, but there has to be a better way so I do not have to hardcode so many different scenarios... (one for each combination of keys)
            gm.stats_CloudSave.numsPlaced = results["numsPlaced"].Value.GetAs<int>();

            //I need something here that loops through the input (keys), and assigns the value of each key to the appropriate variable. AI tools suggested using reflection, but I can't get it to work...
        catch (CloudSaveValidationException e)
        catch (CloudSaveRateLimitedException e)
        catch (CloudSaveException e)

        return null;

Example of the 'keys' input Hashset:

HashSet<string> keys = new HashSet<string>
    { nameof(gm.stats_CloudSave.numsPlaced),

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