lundi 2 mars 2015

Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies - "referenced" double meaning

This is a super handy method, but "referenced" has two meanings:

  1. Referenced by linker (CSPROJ file)

  2. Referenced by compiler (CS file)

GetReferencedAssemblies only provides DLLs which satisfy both meanings.

Some DLLs with no compiler-references I wish to still be present in GetReferencedAssemblies. Specifically to call reflected-only methods in an otherwise "unreferenced" DLL, if that makes sense.

Wish to avoid a "plugin" directory/manual scan - it's very clumsy during the development process. Can we tweak the linker/DLL's etc. so that GetReferencedAssemblies returns all DLLs satisfying meaning #1? Thank you!

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