I've basically done a foreach loop on the parameters for a method.
MethodInfo objMethoda = method;// typMyService.GetMethod("GetBySystemWarrantyId", Type.EmptyTypes);
ParameterInfo[] pars = objMethoda.GetParameters();
foreach (ParameterInfo p in pars)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",p.ParameterType , p.Name);
Okay create yay this works, however when I try to invoke it I get parameters don't match.
Basically my method has 5 parameters
- System.String whereClause
- System.String orderBy
- System.Int32 start
- System.Int32 pageLength
- System.Int32& totalCount
is an out. can I create those arguments and pass it into the method? var dataTableObjecta = objMethoda.Invoke(oMyServicea, null);
for example: the values in order would be
out totalCount
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