vendredi 13 mars 2015

Cannot get this property name using this code and expression api

I have the following class and I need to get its property names:

public class PMLButtonData
public int BackgroundColorID

public string Callback

To get the names I'm using this function

public static string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> lambda)
MemberExpression member = lambda.Body as MemberExpression;
PropertyInfo property = member.Member as PropertyInfo;

return property.Name;

I can get the Callback property name using this code:

string name = GetPropertyName<PMLButtonData>(x => x.Callback);

But the same code for the other property doesn't work:

string name = GetPropertyName<PMLButtonData>(x => x.BackgroundColorID);

The only difference between them is the data type, so I changed the Callback to int and the code does not work with this property anymore. Why can't I get the name of a property this way if it's an integer?

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