mercredi 11 mars 2015

How to get the MemberInfo of a function of a class, without string comparison

Similar to a previous question of mine, when I was asking about getting the FieldInfo of a field, How to get the FieldInfo of a field from the value, from the answers there, I compiled this helper class,

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

internal class Program
class MyClass
#pragma warning disable 0414, 0612, 0618, 0649
private int myInt = 24;
#pragma warning restore 0414, 0612, 0618, 0649

public const BindingFlags _flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

public MyClass()
MemberInfo myIntMI = GetMemberInfo(this, c => c.myInt);
Console.WriteLine(myIntMI.Name + ": " + GetFieldValue(myIntMI) + ", " + GetFieldInfo(myIntMI).FieldType);

// MemberInfo tfMI = GetMemberInfo(this, cw => cw.testFunction());
// MemberInfo tfMI = GetMemberInfo(this, cw => cw.testFunction);
// Console.WriteLine(tfMI.Name + ": " + GetFieldValue(tfMI) + ", " + GetFieldInfo(tfMI).FieldType);

foreach( var mi in GetType().GetMembers(_flags) )
Console.WriteLine("member: " + mi);

private void testFunction() { }

private object GetFieldValue(MemberInfo mi)
return GetFieldInfo(mi).GetValue(this);

private FieldInfo GetFieldInfo(MemberInfo mi)
return GetType().GetField(mi.Name, _flags);

private MemberInfo GetMemberInfo<TModel, TItem>(TModel model, Expression<Func<TModel, TItem>> expr)
return ( (MemberExpression)expr.Body ).Member;

Which works perfectly well using the GetMemberInfo(this, c => c.myInt, but the commented out line is what I'm confused about now, GetMemberInfo(this, c => c.testFunction) or GetMemberInfo(this, c => c.testFunction()).

Is there any way, without string comparison, I can get the member info that's available from a GetMembers() runthrough, or GetMember("testFunction")?

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