vendredi 6 mars 2015

Reflection, Expression for a where query

I currently have method that create a Expression based on a Generic and one of its property, using reflection

For exemple, this works.

var myVar = 1;
var property = typeof( TEntity ).GetProperty( "SomeId" );

query = query.Where( PropertyEquals<TEntity, int>( property, myVar ) );

Here's the PropertyEquals definition

private Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> PropertyEquals<TItem, TValue> ( PropertyInfo property, TValue value ) {
var param = Expression.Parameter( typeof( TItem ) );
var memberExp = Expression.Property( param, property );

BinaryExpression body;

//If nullable, Expression.Equal won't work even if the value is not null. So we convert to non nullable (the compared expression)
Type typeIfNullable = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( memberExp.Type );
if ( typeIfNullable != null ) {
var convertedExp = Expression.Convert( memberExp, Expression.Constant( value ).Type );
body = Expression.Equal( convertedExp, Expression.Constant( value ) );
} else {
body = Expression.Equal( memberExp, Expression.Constant( value ) );

return Expression.Lambda<Func<TItem, bool>>( body, param );

It returns something like

x => x.SomeId == myVar

But, I'm looking to do the same thing, but to get something like

x => ids.Contains( x.Id )

How should I create a method like PropertyContainedIn?

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