lundi 20 juillet 2015

How do I check if my uninitialized variable is of type List?

I have the following class definition:

public class NkProject
        int ProjectId;
        IList<NkItem> Items;
        NkStory SingleItem;

The class mostly contains only fields, with the class attribute stating which class is responsible for "handling" this class as part of a larger framework.

Using reflection, I parse this file to generate some meta data and I'd like to know if "Items" is of type List (or any type of collection which acts as a list) but everything I've tried so far fails:

  1. Check for IEnumerable:

    if(field.FieldType.GetInterface("IEnumerable") != null)

    This also detects strings as IEnumerables, which is incorrect. I'd prefer if strings fail to pass this check and get treated as primitives in a sense (the else of the above if).

  2. Changed above to: if(field is ICollection) and that also fails.

  3. Changed above to: if(field is IList && field.GetType().IsGenericType) and it still fails to be detected correctly.

Is there a way to look only at the type of the variable references to ascertain whether Items is of type List and a parallel check for string Items fails? I'm guessing #2 and #3 above fail because Items is not an object and thus there isn't any inheritance information attached to it. I could be wrong, but I think that's what is happening. A field.GetType().Name returns the type as IList`1. Not sure how to get around this.

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