vendredi 11 décembre 2015

How to get type of property using System.Reflection.Metadata?

I'm using System.Reflection.Metadata to enumerate some assemblies and pull out some information. For instance, I need to locate a type and then get information about its properties (name and type). I can find the type, find the property, but I can't figure out how to determine the type of the property. Here's what I have so far:

using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(assemblyPath))
using (PEReader reader = new PEReader(stream))
    TypeDefinition type = ...;
    var properties = (from handles in type.GetProperties()
                      let prop = metadata.GetPropertyDefinition(handles)
                      let accessors = prop.GetAccessors()
                      let getter = metadata.GetMethodDefinition(accessors.Getter)
                      where getter.Attributes.HasFlag(MethodAttributes.Public)
                      select new
                          Name = prop.Name,
                          //Type=prop. ??? getter. ??? What to do here?

    foreach (var prop in properties)
        yield return prop;

For now I will simply load up the type using actual reflection in order to get the properties. But I'd rather use the metadata stuff instead.

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