jeudi 14 juillet 2016

How can I use reflection to set this object's property?

I have an external library I am using, namely Aspose.Email.dll (available on NuGet). It has a PageInfo class. Go To Definition shows the following for it in Visual Studio:

using System;

namespace Aspose.Email
    public class PageInfo
        protected PageInfo next;

        public int AbsoluteOffset { get; }
        public int ItemsPerPage { get; }
        public bool LastPage { get; }
        public virtual PageInfo NextPage { get; }
        public int PageOffset { get; }
        public int TotalCount { get; }

Long story short, I need to create a PageInfo object. How can I create one using Reflection and also set its ItemsPerPage property?

I have tried this:

var result = (PageInfo)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(PageInfo));
typeof(PageInfo).GetProperty("ItemsPerPage", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(result, 1);

The problem is that SetValue errors out with Property set method not found.

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