I want to fill a dictionary in Expression, but I always get an empty one. How can I fill it?
My code for now:
string[] bb = {"a", "b"};
Expression[] expressions = new Expression[bb.Length + 2];
var dict = Expression.New(typeof(Dictionary<string, object>));
expressions[0] = dict;
for (int i = 0; i < bb.Length; i++)
var methodInfo = dict.Type.GetMethod("Add");
expressions[i + 1] = Expression.Call(dict, methodInfo, Expression.Constant(bb[i], typeof(string)), Expression.Constant("hehehe", typeof(object)));
expressions[expressions.Length - 1] = Expression.Call(typeof (Bzzzz).GetMethod("Foo"), Expression.Constant("www.google.com"), dict);
var bodyExpression = Expression.Lambda
var action = (Action) bodyExpression.Compile();
Foo is not very interesting:
public static class Bzzzz
public static void Foo(string uri, Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
if (parameters != null)
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
Console.WriteLine($"{parameter.Key} = {parameter.Value}");
Okay, if you will.
I have a following method:
private static void ImplementMethod(TypeBuilder tb, MethodInfo imethod)
var valueString = AsselbmyHolder.GetUriTemplate(imethod);
var parameters = GetLamdaParameters(imethod);
var local = Expression.Variable(typeof (Dictionary<string, object>));
var ctor = local.Type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
var bodyExpression = Expression.Lambda
/* work */ ),
var stub = bodyExpression.CompileToInstanceMethod(tb, imethod.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual);
tb.DefineMethodOverride(stub, imethod);
Now in block I should convert parameters of MethodInfo
into Dictionary<string, object>
, where keys are parameter names, and values - their values respectively.
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