mardi 23 août 2016

Sum up all the properties of a collection and dynamically assigned it to another object

I have a collection of object in lst of type DataResponse and what I would like to do is sum up all the properties that are int and decimal of this collection and assign the result of each property to another object DataContainerResponse that has the same exact property names(and types) as the those that are being summed up.

I can do this manually by typing out each property by hand and do a .Sum(s=>s.<propertyname>. But that so 90s. Below is my fruitless attempt to juice it out. Frankly, I never assigned a var to a lambda expression before and I don't even know if it's possible .Sum(s=><var name>);

 public DataAggragationResponse doAggregation(List<DataResponse> lst)
        if (lst.Count == 0)
            return null;
        DataContainerResponse rd = new DataContainerResponse();

        //If I do it manually typing each prop by hand.
        rd.VIOL = lst.Sum(s => s.VIOL);

        foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(DataResponse).GetProperties())

                rd.GetType().GetProperties().SetValue(lst.Sum(s => propertyInfo.Name[0]));


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