mardi 4 octobre 2016

Dynamically setting properties in the current context

What I am trying to achive is to dynamically set some properties at runtime in the current context of the app. Eg:

Let's say I am running a web page and inside the page load event, I would like to dynamically set a property of a control - property which I have it stored in the db or external resource.

I've tried using reflection but it doesn't work as I should point to an existing object on compile time, not runtime. Code example:

 string propertyName = "RadTabStrip1.Tabs";

 Type t = typeof(RadTab);
 t.InvokeMember("Text", BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, propertyName, new object[] { 0, "Bla Bla" });

Is there a way to achieve this by using either reflection, codedome or LINQ expressions?

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