lundi 22 mai 2017

How to create an instances from all classes that implement generic interface that inherite from another generic Interface with reflection in C# a

Using C#, how do I create instances of classes that implement a generic interface, that inherits from another generic interface using Reflection. I need to get the implementation of BarcodeTestHelper and BarcodeRepository and create instances of them.

My model:

public interface ITestData{}
public class BarcodelData : ITestData
    public int Id { get; set; }


public interface IBaseTestHelper<T> where T : ITestData {}
public interface IBarcodeTestHelper : IBaseTestHelper<BarcodeTestData>

My implementation:

public class BarcodeTestHelper : TestBaseHelper, IBarcodeTestHelper
    private readonly IBarcodeRepository<BarcodeTestData> _barcodeRepository;
    public BarcodeTestHelper(IBarcodeRepository<BarcodeTestData>                                           barcodeRepository) 
        _barcodeRepository = barcodeRepository;

public interface IBarcodeRepository<T> : IRepository<BarcodeTestData> where T : ITestData
    BarcodeTestData SaveBarcode(string xmlBarcode);

public class BarcodeRepository :  IBarcodeRepository<BarcodeTestData>
    BarcodeTestData SaveBarcode(string xmlBarcode)
        do save work

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