lundi 22 mai 2017

How to determine all runtime (but not static) dependencies of Java source by reading the code?

Let's say I wanted to assert that a given Java source folder contained all of the source code required to run any of the programs contained in the source folder. Simply showing that the whole source folder compiles would be insufficient because perhaps some of those programs use reflection to instantiate objects. As such I could search through all the code and look for invocations of newInstance() to learn what classes are expected to be present at runtime. But what about calls to Class.forName(...) that are not involved in calls to newInstance() ? Better check for those as well. But how many such things do I need to check for?

Is there any sort of exhaustive list I could consult to ensure that I am considering each way in Java that such a runtime dependency could be introduced? Restated, does there exist some list of operations such that if I can show none of the source in a source folder use those operations (and that folder compiles) that all (code) dependencies are present?

If no such list exists, could we start one in this thread and make a best effort to cover all operations that we know of?

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