This one has me foxed.
I'm using reflection in some legacy code to build a reasonable centralised Update routine in VB. We are using Linq to Sql and won't be updating this large old project to anything newer. So a halfway house is a nice datalayer to at least centralise the database access (it's a winforms old school application but using .net 4.6.1).
The code below works fine:
Public Class DataClass(Of t As Class)
Public Shared Function Update(ByRef db As DataContext,
UpdateItem As t,
originalItem As t,
ParamArray NonWriteable() As String) As t
If originalItem Is Nothing OrElse UpdateItem Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
'This is repeated in a separate clone routine.
Dim validProperties = UpdateItem.GetType.GetProperties.Where(Function(x) Not x.PropertyType.Name.Contains("EntityRef") _
AndAlso Not NonWriteable.Contains(x.PropertyType.Name) _
AndAlso x.CanWrite AndAlso Not x.PropertyType.IsClass)
For Each p In validProperties
If p.PropertyType.Name.Contains("Nullable") Then
If Not Nullable.Equals(p.GetValue(UpdateItem), p.GetValue(originalItem)) Then p.SetValue(originalItem, p.GetValue(UpdateItem))
If p.GetValue(UpdateItem) IsNot p.GetValue(originalItem) Then p.SetValue(originalItem, p.GetValue(UpdateItem))
End If
If db.GetChangeSet.Updates.Count > 0 Then SubmitChanges(db)
Return originalItem
End Function
End Class
However if I try to abstract the ValidProperties query as I use it in another clone routine, I cannot get any results from the type:
Private Shared Function _validProps(ByRef p As t, NonWriteable() As String) As List(Of PropertyInfo)
Return p.GetType.GetProperties.Where(Function(x) x.PropertyType.Name.Contains("EntityRef") _
AndAlso Not NonWriteable.Contains(x.PropertyType.Name) _
AndAlso x.CanWrite AndAlso Not x.PropertyType.IsClass).ToList
End Function
This is how the update routine is called: Using db as new Datacontext return DataClass(Of Contact).Update(db, Updated, Original, {"contact_id", "created_on"}) end using
I'm happy to share the wider generic class for anyone else who is using DBML and can use it.
However, I definitely feel I should be able to put the more complex reflection query into it's own function, pass it a t object and get back my properties.
Any help gratefully received, though if I don't succeed it is only duplicated whenever I need these members.
Thank you!
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