I have one class called IntegrationCmd(controller) and it instances a class in runtime with Java Reflection. In the class that I called with Reflection, I need to throw an exception with a specific message. The problem is that when I throw an excepcion the method call the InvocationTargetException and put my message to null. How I resolve this problem?
String providerClass = Legacy.getProperty(externalId);
Class<?> cProvider = Class.forName(providerClass);
Constructor<?> ctor2 = cProvider.getConstructor();
Object object2 = ctor2.newInstance();
Object header = cProvider.getMethod("loadFile",
String.class).invoke(object2, fullpathXml);
boolean bool = (Boolean)cProvider.getMethod("validate", Object.class, ProcessBridge.class).invoke(object2, header, bridge);
The Class Instanced in Runtime:
throw new IntegrationException(LoggingUtils.getMessageAndWriteLog(OctoTelematics.class, "validateBody","user", MessagesBusiness.ERROR_NonTelematicApol));
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