dimanche 7 octobre 2018

AtomicReference vs AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater, what's a purpose of AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater?

I'd like to atomically upgrade my reference. For example to use compareAndSet, getAndSet and other atomic operations.

I came from C++, so in C++ I've got volatile keyword and different atomic intrinsics, or the <atomic> API. In java, there's also a volatile keyword and different unsafe atomic operations.

By the way, there's also a well-documented AtomicReference (as well as Long, Integer, Boolean), so JDK creators provided us a way to safely execute atomic operations against references and primitives. There's nothing wrong about the API, it is rich and seems very familiar.

But, there's also an AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater whick provides a kinda weird way to execute atomic operations: you have to "find" the field via reflection by name and then you can use exactly the same operations.

So my questions are:

  1. What's the purpose of AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater at all? In my opinion it is implicit and kinda weird: you need to declare a volatile variable filed AND and the field updater itself. So where should I use a FieldUpdater?
  2. It provides an indirection: you're manipulating (not changing!) the FieldUpdater, not the variable, this confuses.
  3. Performance: as far as I know, both AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater and AtomicReference are delegating to the Unsafe, so their performance is similar, but anyway: are there any performance penalties of FieldUpdater agaist Reference?

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