jeudi 25 juillet 2019

Using C# Reflection, how to get Object's properties and their values if that Object is a property of Object that is inside of the List

I need to grab the value of a property of an ObjectB, which is a Property of ObjectA and ObjectA is inside of a List<ObjectA>

I browsed through some examplse, but could not find exactly what I need.

Here is what I'm looking for:

I have a class MyScreenClass, that has a List<TicketReportPropertyEntity>:

public class MyScreenClass
     public List<TicketReportPropertyEntity> TicketReportPropertyEntities{ get; set; } 

This is TicketReportPropertyEntity class that has another class which property I need to work with:

public class TicketReportPropertyEntity
    public decimal Amount{get;set;}
    public ReportPropertyEntity ReportProperty {get;set;}

This is ReportPropertyEntity class:

public class ReportPropertyEntity
    public string PropertyName { get; set; }

What I need to do, is for each TicketReportPropertyEntity to get Amount from TicketReportPropertyEntity and PropertyName from ReportPropertyEntity.

The purpose is I need to compare the PropertyName with a given property and set the value to an Amount

So far, I only came up with the following:

foreach (var ticketReportEntity in mol.TicketReportPropertyEntities)
   PropertyInfo propertyInfo1 = ticketReportEntity.GetType().GetProperty("ReportProperty");
           //here I need to do all the logic

What is the solution?

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