jeudi 29 août 2019

Getting methods from reflection and assigning them to delegate

I want to get all methods from class through reflection and assign them to created delegate or instantiate new delegete with them.

I am trying to learn reflection and delegates and I want to use reflection here because I don't like the way it look like with +=

I tried to assign with Delegate.CreateDelegate method but there isn't any overloads that get array of MethodInfo which I get from reflection.

    public delegate void GetIntegersPower(int x);
class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
        GetIntegersPower iP = Power.Square;
        iP += Power.Cubed;
        iP += Power.xToThePowerOfFour;
        iP += Power.xToThePowerOfFive;
        iP += Power.xToThePowerOfSix;
        var powerMembers = typeof(Power).GetMethods();
        var del=(Action<int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<int>), powerMembers[0]); //error
class Power
    public static void Square(int x) => Console.WriteLine($"The number of {x} to the power of two equals {x * x}" + Environment.NewLine);
    public static void Cubed(int x) => Console.WriteLine($"The number of {x} to the power of three equals {x * x * x}" + Environment.NewLine);
    public static void xToThePowerOfFour(int x) => Console.WriteLine($"The number of {x} to the power of four equals {x * x * x * x}" + Environment.NewLine);
    public static void xToThePowerOfFive(int x) => Console.WriteLine($"The number of {x} to the power of five equals {x * x * x * x * x}" + Environment.NewLine);
    public static void xToThePowerOfSix(int x) => Console.WriteLine($"The number of {x} to the power of six equals {x * x * x * x * x * x}" + Environment.NewLine);

Now I am able only to execute one method when I supply to MethodInfo index but I want to create multicast delegate

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