I'm trying to implement method interception and currently I am doing this by creating a proxy, which returns a dynamically created object with the same fields and properties. The methods however, would be overridden to do something like
- Get all attributes associated with the method and execute some code based on those attributes (currently just
- Execute the actual method
- Execute some other code based on the original attributes.
So far, I am able to override existing virtual method and call the aforementioned Console.WriteLine
, but I am unable to call the actual method.
This is what I have so far
static void CreateMethod<T>(TypeBuilder tb)
var methodToOverride = typeof(T).GetMethod("Bar");
var attribute = methodToOverride.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MethodProxyAttribute));
MethodBuilder methodBuilder = tb.DefineMethod(
/* Change method name here */
| MethodAttributes.HideBySig
| MethodAttributes.NewSlot
| MethodAttributes.Virtual
| MethodAttributes.Final,
ILGenerator il = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "The I.M implementation of C");
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", new Type[] { typeof(string) }));
tb.DefineMethodOverride(methodBuilder, methodToOverride);
I know possible solutions can be to use
to create new instance of an object and call the method.- Use a static class with a static dictionary as
to look up the original method
Is there any way to call the original method by emitting the call though?
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