vendredi 3 janvier 2020

Reflection vs delegate when resolving dependencies configured as SingleInstance in low-power environment

Happy new year folks!

Q1: How should I register .SingleInstance() dependencies so that they get resolved fast?

Q2: Is there any speed difference between type (reflection) based registration and lambda based registration when dealing with .SingleInstance() dependencies?

Q3: Please look at the working code at the bottom: Can I improve on it? Is the current type-based registration of the ViewModel classes considered speed-optimal?

I am using Autofac in a low power Xamarin.Forms (mobile device) environment to resolve the ViewModel objects corresponding to the View from where the VM gets resolved. I want to make the resolution fast as the user can swap very fast between views.

All of my Service-layer-dependencies are configured as SingleInstance() and have a lifetime equal to the application. This makes sense as this is a single user, client-application, so that services dont need to be scoped between clients.

The lifetime of the ViewModels on the other hand are tied to their View, so each resolved ViewModel needs to be a new one. ViewModels are NOT .SingleInstance().

The very and of this post shows a sample resolution call to the ViewModel. Note that I am providing extrenal dependencies for the Resolve(...) call.

Now how could I improve on the Autofac configuration so that I get the maximum possible speed without unnecessary reflection for trivial tasks?

Bellow you can see snipets on my DI configuration:

        builder.RegisterInstance<IDictionary<string, object>>(settingsKvps).ExternallyOwned();
        // And more like this...

        builder.RegisterType <MovieDetailPageViewModel>().AsSelf();
        // And more like this...

Sample resolution call is done by providing additional external dependencies:

                    new TypedParameter(typeof(MovieDetailModel), movie),
                    new TypedParameter(typeof(IPageService), new PageService(this))

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