Some background - I am writing interop between C# and another programming language and need to convert a function representation from one to another. let's say for the sake of this discussion that language is called Taco
Now - I have a situation where I need to generate a System.Action<object, object, ...>
(each template argument is object because the other language is dynamically typed). I know the length at runtime.
Here is what I am trying:
internal class VariadicAction
private TacoFuncPtr FuncPtr { get; set; }
internal VariadicAction(TacoFuncPtr ptr)
FuncPtr = ptr;
internal void Run(params object[] varArgs)
//convert each item in varArgs to taco objects
//call FuncPtr with them.
var numArgs = varArgs.Length;
var tacoArgs = new TacoArgs[numArgs];
//convert varArgs to taco
var tacoResult = FuncPtr.Invoke(tacoArgs);
//converts Taco functions to C# Action so that they can be passed to C# functions which take a
//System.Action as an argument. Clients call it by passing in a System.Action with the right
//number of generic parameters
class TacoFunctionConverter
static bool TryConvertTacoFunctionToCSharp<T>(TacoObject tacoFunctor, out T value)
value = default(T)
var tT = typoeof(T);
//lets say this returns the number of arguments from C#, requires it to be a System.Action
var numArgs = GetNumArgs(tT);
if (GetNumArgs(tacoFunctor) != numArgs) return false;
//construct a System.Action<object,...> variadically!
var genericActionType = typeof(Action<>);
Type[] types = Enumerable.Repeat(typeof(object), numArgs).ToArray();
var constructedActionType = genericActionType.MakeGenericType(types);
Delegate del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(constructedActionType, variadicAction, "Run", false);
actionObj = (object)del;
value = (T)actionObj;
return true;
When I do this I get the following exception: Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type.
My question is, am I on the right track? I also tinkered with using a lambda but got even less far with that approach.
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