vendredi 27 août 2021

Referencing overloaded top-level Kotlin functions reflectively

In brief, how can one reference / iterate reflectively over overloaded top-level functions in Kotlin, such as

Given the following:

object Bar {
    fun foo(x: Int) = Unit
    fun foo(x: Byte) = Unit
    fun foo(x: Float) = Unit

I can iterate over the various overloads of foo by doing:

fun main() {
        .filter { kFunction -> == "foo" }
        .forEach { kFunction -> println(kFunction) }

Which produces:

fun kotlin.Unit
fun kotlin.Unit
fun kotlin.Unit

However, if the various overloads of foo are defined top-level (outside of a class or object definition) such as simply:

fun foo(x: Int) = Unit
fun foo(x: Byte) = Unit
fun foo(x: Float) = Unit

Then there doesn't seem to be a way to reference them.

I tried being tricky using a top-level function in my example (such as main) to access the synthetic class:

    .filter { kFunction -> == "foo" }
    .forEach { kFunction -> println(kFunction) }

But it pukes on the fact that it's synthetic:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This class is an internal synthetic class generated by the Kotlin compiler, such as an anonymous class for a lambda, a SAM wrapper, a callable reference, etc. It's not a Kotlin class or interface, so the reflection library has no idea what declarations does it have. Please use Java reflection to inspect this class.

How can I reference top-level overloaded functions in Kotlin?

More specifically, top-level overloaded functions defined in other packages / modules such as

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